As a manager, what kind of relationship would you like to have with your employees...Leader? Friend? Teacher? Mentor?, or...the person who motivates them, guides them, encourages them, and makes them want to win? Forward-thinking managers have discovered that the same skills that coaches use to create winners in athletics work in a business setting as well. This innovative one-day team-building seminar is designed to teach you powerful employee coaching methods to turn even problem employees into super-productive, motivated winners! Make Your Team Members Want To Give 110% — For Themselves, And For Their Team! You'll instill the kind of energy and enthusiasm that makes productivity soar. How? Supplement your own managerial abilities with compelling employee coaching and counseling skills, and watch the incredible results. This team-building seminar will teach you step by step, how to produce a manager's "game plan" that ensures you'll reach your goals and objectives. Plus, find out how to maximize every employee's abilities...and uncover strengths and talents you never knew existed! Transform Your Work Group Into A Cohesive, Coordinated Team! Imagine how much your team could accomplish if it functioned as one well-organized unit. This team-building training shows you how to pull everyone together with a shared drive and purpose. Invest just one day of your time, and the benefits of employee coaching will change your life as a manager; you'll witness an exciting synergy among your employees, mutual support within your group, a sense of interdependence and exchange, and most of all, incredible productivity from your team as a unit. AGENDA: The "Want-To-Win" Attitude: How To Build It - A look at your own coaching ability, measured against 20 traits shared by the best athletic coaches
- How to harness natural competitiveness as a positive, powerful force
- 4 insightful tips for follow-up employee coaching that keeps your "players" on track
- Why you must be demanding...and how to do it the right way
- 8 techniques to boost enthusiasm — for an individual or the entire team
- Self-management and empowerment: how to get others to direct and motivate themselves
Strategy And Planning Essentials For Managers And Coaches - Your "game plan" — 5 simple steps for no-fail, successful plans
- How to ensure you've got the right people playing the right game: proven strategy tips that work in theory — and in practice
- As you build your "roster" — how to spot superstars and problem players, and identify strengths and weaknesses
- A key formula that ensures you'll make consistently good decisions
- 7 easy strategies that coaches/managers use to deal with pressure — before it escalates to stress and anxiety!
- The "Ex-Dem-Pra" employee coaching model that has motivated millions
How To Coach Your Team - 5 compelling reasons why your employees want to be part of a team
- 15 ways to transform even the most divided work group into an enthusiastic, winning team
- 8 "symptoms" that signal weak or ineffective teams
- Team-building training that shows you how to recognize individual strengths and organize players into position
- The secret of winning acceptance as a coach/manager: promoting upward communication on your team
- Peer conflicts — how to defuse them before they affect the entire work group
- When to reward or praise individuals in front of the team
Coaching and counseling the problem player - Is counseling the right approach? The risks and benefits of counseling, from the experts
- "Non-directive" counseling: a proven approach that helps employees discover their own solutions
- How to recognize a developing crisis: 20 signs that point to an escalating problem
- 10 warning signals that an employee has personal problems affecting work performance
- High-impact coaching skills that deter goof-offs, time-wasters, and procrastinators
- What to do if nothing works — 4 final options
How to handle a coaching/counseling session - When to attempt employee counseling, and when to leave it to professionals
- 4 subtle actions that encourage people to "open up"
- Inquiry "land mines" — 3 types of questions you should never ask
- How to deal with anger, crying, and other emotional responses
- Denial: what to do when someone won't admit to a problem
- When you close a counseling session: how to reach an agreement and get a firm commitment
Coaching superstars: how to be a manager and a mentor - Tips to ensure you recognize employees with great potential
- Essential techniques for mentoring employees that keep high achievers enthused, challenged, and interested
- How to help the high achiever without alienating the team or "playing favorites"
- Strategies for successfully mentoring employees: incentives to offer when you can't give raises or promotions
- What you should expect to bring to — and take from — a mentor relationship
Fred Pryor Seminars and CareerTrack are registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA), as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. CPE certificates will be available 10 days after your event has ended. |